Wuling ABC Stories Receives Tanda Kehormatan for Accelerating Electric Vehicle Adoption | Wuling

Press Release

Wuling ABC Stories Receives Tanda Kehormatan for Accelerating Electric Vehicle Adoption

27 September, 2024

Image Wuling ABC Stories Receives Tanda Kehormatan for Accelerating Electric Vehicle Adoption

Wuling EV earns recognition for its high contribution and dedication to the advancement of the electric sector in Indonesia

Jakarta, September 27, 2024 – Wuling Motors (Wuling) proudly received Tanda Kehormatan from Majalah Listrik Indonesia during the 100th edition celebration which took place at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, on Thursday (26/09). The category of the Tanda Kehormatan is supporting the energy transition for the contribution of Wuling EV ABC Stories in accelerating the use of electric cars. The achievement achieved at the Majalah Listrik Indonesia Awarding Night is the result of the contribution and high dedication of Wuling EV ABC Stories in its journey so far in the country.

Kategori dari apresiasi Tanda Kehormatan tersebut ialah pendukung transisi energi atas kontribusi Wuling EV ABC Stories dalam mengakselerasi penggunaan mobil listrik 1000x732

“We are very honored and grateful for the Tanda Kehormatan given by Majalah Listrik Indonesia to Wuling. This appreciation is concrete evidence of Wuling’s commitment to supporting the acceleration of electrification in Indonesia. We will continue to innovate and contribute to a greener and more sustainable mobility future. Thank you to everyone who has supported our journey, especially our consumers, communities, media partners, and partners who always trust Wuling,” said Arief Sutrisno as Brand Strategy Manager of Wuling Motors.

Wuling EV ABC Stories is a collection of Wuling’s electric vehicle lines, starting with the Air ev. This smart electric vehicle is the ideal choice for urban communities looking for a compact electric vehicle that fits a modern lifestyle, is practical, and is environmentally friendly. It catches attention on the road with its compact design and attractive color options. Besides its captivating appearance, the Air ev is equipped with advanced features and can travel up to 300 kilometers, making it a reliable choice for daily commutes.

The ABC Stories continued with BinguoEV representing the letter B, Wuling’s second electric vehicle type, a hatchback with an iconic design. This car provides an enjoyable driving experience through an electric motor that supports quick acceleration and maximum comfort. With a range of up to 410 kilometers on a single charge and equipped with modern safety features, BinguoEV is the ideal choice for those looking for an electric vehicle that combines stylish looks and optimal functionality.

Finally, there is C for Cloud EV, completing Wuling’s electric vehicle lineup. This medium-sized hatchback electric vehicle offers extra comfort thanks to its spacious cabin and ergonomic interior design, ensuring optimal comfort for drivers and passengers. With a range of up to 460 kilometers per charge, Cloud EV is suitable for long-distance travel without needing frequent recharging, making it the perfect choice for those who want a more comfortable electric vehicle.

“In total, Wuling EVs have sold more than 22,000 units in Indonesia. This figure started from the launch of the Air ev in August 2022 until August 2024. With this achievement, Wuling EV ABC Stories has made Wuling the No. 1 EV Brand in Indonesia to date,” added Arief.

Secara keseluruhan Wuling EV telah terjual lebih dari 22.000 unit di Indonesia. Angka tersebut dimulai dari peluncuran Air ev pada bulan Agustus 2022 sampai dengan Agustus 2024 1000x667

The Tanda Kehormatan by Majalah Listrik Indonesia is a special recognition given to companies, individuals, and associations that have shown extraordinary commitment and innovation in supporting the advancement of the energy and electricity sector in Indonesia. The criteria for recipients of the 100th edition of the Tanda Kehormatan by Majalah Listrik Indonesia were determined by a meeting of the editorial board of Majalah Listrik Indonesia and the Indonesian Electricity Expert Council. The basic considerations for giving this Tanda Kehormatan refer to professionalism, dedication, innovation and breakthroughs, reputation, favoritism, contribution, and consumer care.

The awarding of this Tanda Kehormatan is a form of appreciation to industry players who not only contribute through excellent products and services but also positively impact the advancement of technology and energy sustainability in Indonesia. This includes companies that have become driving forces in the development of the energy sector, recognizing their dedication to realizing progress in the field of electricity and energy in the country.

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