Stay Safe in The Wet Season With Cortez Features
21 December, 2018

As we enter the rainy season, we need to be more careful when driving on the road. The rain that soaks the asphalt will make the road be more slippery when being crossed. Whereas the wet unpaved ground might trap your tires, making it difficult for your car to move. More often than not, puddles hide the gaping hole on the road, thus in such weather condition, please be more careful.
Wuling always gives detailed attention to safety and security factors during car production at the factory. The abundant features installed on every section of the car do not only provide you with comfort and entertainment but also make you feel safe throughout every driving experience. We’d like to take you back to the safety features that make you truly free from the feeling of anxiety when driving under this heavy rainy weather.
Airbag is a quite common feature one would have in today’s cars. The experts working at the Wuling factory have carefully planned to install airbags not only on the front side, but also on the side parts so that both the driver and the passengers stay safe when there is a collision. Be more careful when driving, so you don’t need to activate this particular feature.
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In addition to one’s driving skill, drivers also need safety features to support a maximum driving experience. In Cortez, top-level safety features such as anti-lock braking systems (ABS) and electronic brake distribution (EBD) have been implemented as proof of Wuling’s commitment to providing safety and protection when driving Cortez. With the presence of both features, each wheel are enabled to distribute the braking force so that the car does not slip when braking, especially with a sudden brake.
Every wheel and the footing will also be hindered from locking when the brake is kicked and the motion of the car stay smooth until it stops. Another safety feature is the electronic stability control. It is basically a sensor that will be automatically activated when the system senses the driver losing control of the car.
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All these safety features are mandatory features so that you would stay safe when driving Cortez, but at the same time, don’t we all hope to never need to activate it? Then, how do we ensure that the features are well maintained when we never actually use them? The answer is to always bring your Cortez to our authorized workshop regularly so that the condition of each of this safety features are well taken care of by experienced technicians and experts. Keeping your car in good condition means” Drive for a Better Life”.