Power of Attorney to Extend Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK) with a Sample
14 January, 2022

Vehicle registration certificate or STNK is a very important letter for a vehicle owner. If you do not have an STNK, you will not be recognized as the owner of the vehicle and hence it can be taken by the police. Surely you don’t want this to happen to you, do you? That’s why it’s important to have an STNK.
However, an STNK has its own expiration date so you must extend its validity to continue using the vehicle. Because an expired STNK can also cause your vehicle to be taken by the police. One way to extend the STNK without having to come in person is to use a power of attorney. The following are the terms of the power of attorney with a sample.
Requirements of Power of Attorney
There are several things you need to create a power of attorney to renew your STNK. Namely the name of the owner according to the identification card (KTP) and STNK, the brand and type of vehicle, the vehicle registration number, the engine number corresponding to the STNK and vehicle ownership document (BPKB), the owner’s BPKB number, the frame number according to the STNK and BPKB, a photocopy of the applicant’s KTP, the vehicle owner’s signature, and stamp duty of 6000 or 9000.
Sample Power of Attorney
The undersigned below:
Name: Wicis Wulandari
Place/date of birth: Jakarta / 21 – 1 – 1985
Indonesian citizenship
Occupation: Self Employed
Address: Jl. Sudirman No 140, Central Jakarta
KTP No: 3211121019854005
(hereinafter referred to as the “Authorizer”)
Hereby authorize:
Name: Jujurly Wicaksono
Place/date of birth: Jakarta / 21 – 09 – 1986
Indonesian citizenship
Occupation: Freelancer
Address: Jl Gatot Subroto No. 123, South Jakarta
KTP No: 32111210919860005
(hereinafter referred to as “Authorized agency”)
For and on behalf of the Authorizer submits an application & manages the STNK extension until it is completed at the authorized agency. There are also the following specifications:
Brand/Type: Honda
Type/Model: Sedan Car
Year of Manufacture/Assembly: 2016
Cylinder Contents/HP: 1498 CC
KB Color: Black
Order Number/NIK: 210988
Engine Number: 1313415
BPKB Number: 1314141
TNKB Color: Black
With the intent and purpose as well as using the terms and conditions deemed good by the Authorized Person.
For that activity, appearing before where necessary and in the presence of anyone, signing, making and submitting all applications, letters, forms, and also other documents, making the necessary or required documents, giving information by the competent authority to obtain approval in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in Indonesia.
Perform and carry out any actions/deeds that are required or necessary to obtain approval from the competent authority, and for that purpose nothing is excluded.
Jakarta, January 31, 2022
Authorizer, Authorized Agency,
[10000 stamp]
What To Do When You Lose an STNK?
You can come directly to Samsat to take care of the vehicle registration that has been lost. The steps are the same as when you want to do vehicle title transfer but require an additional file, namely a letter of loss from the police.
The following are some of the files that you must prepare to take care of a lost STNK, which requires the original BPKB and a photocopy, the latest KTP, a letter of loss from the local police, and a sales receipt with stamp duty.
This lost letter function can be used to block old vehicle registrations that have been lost in Samsat. This blocking is done so that there is no double identity if the old STNK has been recovered. This means that the lost STNK will be declared invalid.
After all the necessary files are ready, you can immediately come to Samsat to make a new STNK and BPKB. The lost STNK will also be replaced with a new STNK and not a duplicate.
That’s some information about the power of attorney to extend the STNK. This letter is quite important if you want to renew your STNK because it is one of the requirements for undergoing the STNK renewal procedure. You can follow the letter format that Wuling has provided above to make the process easier.
Make sure to prepare all the files needed to renew or take care of a lost STNK so you don’t waste time coming to the Samsat office. Hopefully the information regarding the STNK renewal power of attorney that Wuling has provided above is useful. Also read our other power of attorney articles such as Power of Attorney for BPKB Retrieval.