Find Out the Cost of Towing Services on the Toll Road
28 June, 2023

No one wants to have problems while driving, especially on toll roads, because you can’t find a repair shop on the side of the road. But there’s no need to worry, because there is a car towing service on the toll road that is officially held by PT Jasa Marga Tbk. as a toll road manager. So, how much does it cost to tow a car by Jasa Marga?
Towing Rates on Official Toll Roads
PT Jasa Marga Tbk imposes a tariff for the cost of towing a car on the toll road. The fare is differentiated according to the class of vehicle that applies on the toll road. The following is the distribution of the rates:
1. Group I
For sedans, jeeps, pick-ups or small trucks and buses, Jasa Marga imposes a towing fee of IDR 100,000 until it leaves the nearest toll gate. After that, the cost of Rp. 8,000 per kilometer applies to the destination that has been agreed upon with the car owner and Jasa Marga.
2. Group II
For large trucks with two axles, an official towing fee of IDR 135,000 is applied until they leave the nearest toll gate. After that, the cost of IDR 10,000 per kilometer applies to the destination that has been agreed upon with the car owner and Jasa Marga.
3. Group III
For large trucks with three axles, an official towing fee of Rp. 135,000 is applied until they leave the nearest toll gate. After that, the cost of IDR 10,000 per kilometer applies to the destination that has been agreed upon with the car owner and Jasa Marga.
4. Group IV
For large trucks with four axles, an official towing fee of Rp. 135,000 applies to the exit of the nearest toll gate. After that, the cost of IDR 10,000 per kilometer applies to the destination that has been agreed upon with the car owner and Jasa Marga.
5. Group V
For large trucks with five axles, an official towing fee of IDR 135,000 is applied until they leave the nearest toll gate. After that, the cost of IDR 10,000 per kilometer applies to the destination that has been agreed upon with the car owner and Jasa Marga.
6. Group VI
For two-wheeled motorized vehicles, an official towing fee of Rp. 135,000 applies to the exit from the nearest toll gate. After that, the cost of IDR 10,000 per kilometer applies to the destination that has been agreed upon with the car owner and Jasa Marga.
Free Towing on Toll Roads
Jasa Marga also has a free towing service on toll roads that is available 24 hours a day. But there are terms and conditions that apply to get free rates. The conditions are:
- The purpose of towing the car is only to the nearest toll gate
- The purpose of towing the car is only up to the Jasa Marga crane pool.
- The distance of the broken down car is no more than 1 kilometer from the nearest toll exit gate.
Tips If the Car Breaks Down on the Toll Road
Maybe you will panic when your car suddenly breaks down on the toll road. But there’s no need to panic for a long time, because towing services already exist. What to do when the car breaks down on the highway? Here are some tips that can be followed:
1. Call Towing Service
If you frequently pass toll roads on your daily route, it’s best to save the towing service number from Jasa Marga or you can save the number on a fast dial so you can be easily contacted. Jasa Marga’s hotline number is 14080. Call immediately and report conditions calmly. Tell clear and accurate location information, inform the type of car, convey the purpose of the tow and ask for help sent towing service as soon as possible
2. Wait for Towing Services
The Jasa Marga operator should provide an estimated time when the tow truck will arrive, so you just have to wait for it. The operator will also provide information on the costs that you have to pay. If your car is located less than 1 kilometer from the nearest toll gate, no fee will be charged.
3. Check the Car So That It Can be Towed Safely
Once the tow truck arrives, take important personal items, don’t leave them in the car. Then check the process of attaching the car to the tow truck, so that it remains safe and no parts of the car are damaged.
So how much does it cost to tow a car on the freeway? It all depends on how far your car will be towed. If less than 1 km, you will get free service. More than that, you need to spend money.