Car Driving Rules During the PSBB
12 October, 2020

To reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), Jakarta and its surrounding cities have re-imposed the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or “PSBB”).
Cars and other private vehicles can still operate, but there are several rules that drivers must pay attention to during their daily car drives during the PSBB.
One thing to focus on in this PSBB is the restriction on the movement of people and goods within the DKI Jakarta area. This rule is put in force to all modes of transportation, including private cars. Unfortunately, not all car users have detailed information concerning the applied rules during this PSBB, including car seating positions.
General Provisions During the PSBB Period
The current imposed rules for car driving is stipulated in DKI Jakarta Governor Decree No. 88 of 2020 regarding the enforcement of Large-Scale Social Restrictions implementation in the Containment of Corona Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in DKI Jakarta.
Based on these rules, users are only permitted to use a car to fulfill basic needs or other activities that are allowed during the PSBB period. After using a car, users are required to disinfect the car so that it remains safe to use.
Masks must also always be worn while driving. Moreover, users who are sick or whose body temperature is above normal are not allowed to be in a car.
Also read: Car Care and Maintenance During Stay At Home Period
Seating Position During The PSBB
The last point of the DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 88 0f 2020 concerns the seating restrictions. It is required that a maximum of only two people are allowed to sit in each row of seats. What is then the correct sitting position during the PSBB?
During the PSBB, cars may not carry passengers of more than 50 percent of their maximum capacity. For instance, a sedan with a full capacity of 5 people can only carry a maximum of 3 people at a time, with the driver seating at the front and 2 others at the left and right ends of the back seat.
Meanwhile, a car with 7 passengers capacity can carry a maximum of 4 people with the arrangement of a driver and one passenger sitting at the front, 2 people in the middle, and 1 person in the back row. All passengers and drivers are required to wear a mask all the time.
Also read: Road Traffic Signs and Rules In The New Normal Era
Offenders Are Subject To Fines of Rp 100 Million
To ensure that residents comply with the rules, checkpoints are enforced at several points filled in by joint officers from the National Police Traffic Directorate (Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polri or “Ditlantas Polri”) and the Transportation Service (Dinas Perhubungan or “Dishub”). Drivers found to have violated any of the rules will be subject to reprimand and a ticket for a second violation.
Based on the Governor Regulation (Peraturan Gubernur or “Pergub”) No 33 of 2020, the amount of fines imposed is a maximum of Rp100 million or confinement within the stipulated time.
This decisive step was taken by the DKI Jakarta Governor, Anes Baswedan, after a spike in positive cases of COVID-19 that occurred in the first week of September 2020. The second PSBB is hoped to slowly reduce the addition of COVID-19 cases.
Wuling Family, we should all obey the rules of car driving during this PSBB. Remember that the safety and security of you and your family are of paramount importance!