Understanding The Function of Hazard Lights When Driving
16 December, 2021

All cars from any manufacturer must be equipped with hazard lights. The use of hazard lights is relatively rare, but the presence of these lights is very important in an emergency situation.
So far, the hazard light is identical to a red color symbol. To activate it, you only need to press the symbol that is usually placed in the center of the dashboard. After pressing the symbol button, the right and left turn signals will flash simultaneously.
Basically, the use of hazard lights is very easy and simple. However, the hazard lights cannot be used arbitrarily. At least there are several functions of the hazard lights to support your driving safety.
Hazard Light Functions
Based on the rules in force in Indonesia, car drivers are required to install a safety triangle. In an emergency condition, hazard lights can be used.
1. Use Hazard Lights For Emergency Conditions
Lots of drivers say that hazard lights can be used as a warning signal. By using hazard lights, other drivers can find out the intent and purpose of stopping your car.
Some examples of emergency conditions that often occur on the streets are: the car breaking down; having traffic accidents; and having to immediately replace your car tires. When you buy a car, you have to pay attention to how the hazard lights work.
2. Use Hazard Lights for Indicating a Warning Sign
Hazard lights are also car lights that can be useful as a warning sign. When you are driving, of course there is the possibility of experiencing various emergency conditions, so that your safety will be compromised.
Emergency conditions that often occur on the road while driving are traffic accidents, vehicles breaking down in the middle of the road, pedestrians suddenly jaywalking and various other conditions.
The use of warning signs will certainly reduce the risk of traffic accidents. Drivers behind your car will immediately reduce the speed of their car, if they see a warning sign. All drivers must understand how hazard lights work, so they can drive more safely. That way, you can avoid collisions with other people’s cars.
3. Don’t Use Hazard Lights When The Weather Is Bad
Many drivers make the mistake of using hazard lights because they use them when the weather is bad, such as during heavy fog or heavy rain. In fact, turning on the hazard lights when it rains is very dangerous for safety.
When the hazard lights are active, your car’s turn signal will not work. When the car turn signal does not work, your car will not have a turn signal and this will be dangerous for other drivers.
Make sure you don’t turn on the hazard lights when driving in bad weather. If your visibility is not good, then you can turn on the car’s headlights because it can be a signal for vehicles in the opposite direction.
4. Don’t Turn on Hazard Lights When Entering a Dark Tunnel
Many drivers still like to turn on the hazard lights when entering a dark tunnel. This often happens because hazard lights are considered to be a sign when there is minimal visibility and lack of light in the tunnel.
In fact, the use of hazard lights when entering a tunnel is strictly prohibited. By using hazard lights, the drivers behind you will feel confused about your intentions and goals.
When you enter a very dark tunnel, you only need to turn on the main light. Another solution is to turn on the twilight lights, so that your visibility while driving is well maintained.
5. Don’t Turn on Hazard Lights During Convoy
The use of hazard lights during convoys or convoys is not permitted. Turning on the hazard lights will be a sign that the car is part of a convoy. If you turn on the hazard lights during the convoy, it will make the drivers behind you feel confused.
During the convoy, you just need to concentrate and keep your distance from other vehicles, so you don’t get left behind. The main function of the hazard lights can only be used for emergency conditions such as a car breaking down or an accident.
The Benefits of Hazard Lights For Driving
In general, the benefit of hazard lights is to help drivers in emergency conditions. Hazard lights can be a sign to other drivers so make sure to use it only in emergency conditions.
When you want to buy a used car, one of the considerations is to check the condition of the hazard lights. Make sure that the condition of the hazard lights is functioning properly, so that you will be safer in an emergency.
Those are the full review of the functions and benefits of the importance of using hazard lights when driving. Hopefully this article is insightful for you!