The WIND Feature That Makes Driving Experience with Almaz More Exciting!
10 December, 2019

A Voice Command feature is increasingly more common in varying types of cars nowadays. This feature is usually embedded to facilitate the driver on the road.
Wuling presents the Indonesian Voice Command feature called WIND (Wuling Indonesian Command) on its first SUV, Almaz. The WIND feature on Almaz makes it easy for the users to give orders to the car just by saying them out loud. What are the types of commands that can be processed by the WIND feature?
Window Settings
With the WIND feature, you can open and close a window by simply saying “Halo Wuling, buka jendela!” (re: “Hello Wuling, open the window”) and the window will open immediately. Not only opening, closing the window can be done with a similar Voice Command. This, of course, will help the driver to keep their focus to the front and now be bothered finding the window buttons. Especially when you are about to enter a toll gate, this feature will surely be very handy.
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Sunroof Settings
The WIND feature can also be used to open and close sunroofs. You don’t have to press the sunroof opening button, rather just simply say, “Halo Wuling, buka sunroof” (re: “Hello Wuling, open the sunroof”) and “Halo Wuling, tutup sunroof” (re: “Hello Wuling, close the sunroof”) thus letting the sunroof open and close automatically.
Moreover, you could also ask, “Buka sunroof sampai setengah” (re: “Open the sunroof halfway”), “Buka sunroof sedikit” (re: “Open the sunroof a little”), and “Tutup sunroof sedikit” (re: “Close the sunroof a little”)
Air Conditioner Settings
Do you feel warm inside your car? This WIND feature can help you to cool down the temperature of the air conditioner. WIND would understand when you say “Halo Wuling, saya merasa kepanasan,” (re: “Hello Wuling, I feel too warm”) or “Saya kedinginan” (re: “I feel cold”). Your car will immediately respond by turning the AC temperature up or down. Similarly, if you feel cold or warm, WIND could help to increase the temperature through some Voice Command.
You can also adjust the temperature of the air conditioner according to your wishes, increase the speed of the fan, open and close the air circulation, and activate the windshield defroster via the WIND.
Moreover, you could also change the temperature by saying “Atur suhu hingga 23 derajat” (re: “set the temperature to 23 degrees”), for instance. Or by telling it to activate the foot ventilation, turning the wind speed up or down, and even activate the inside circulation.
Getting Time Information
To keep the driver’s focus to the front, the WIND can also provide basic information such as date and time. For example, you can ask, “Jam berapa hari ini?” (re: “What time is it now?”) or “Tanggal berapa hari ini?” (re: “what date is today?”). It can even tell you the date of tomorrow or the day after.
Making A Phone Call
Phone calls can be made easily through this feature as well. You don’t need to take your cell phone and look for the name of the person you’re about to call when driving the Almaz. Simply connect your phone to the WIND, you can then already say a name and this feature will connect you directly to him/her. For example, contacting a person named Budi (the name has to correspond to the phone’s contact), simply say “Halo Wuling, Hubungi Budi,” (re: “Hello Wuling, call Budi”) and afterward you will automatically be connected.
Besides mentioning their name, you can also mention the number one by one if you haven’t saved the contact. Another way you can do is to ask the WIND to open call history.
Operating An Entertainment System
Sometimes we feel bored listening to a radio station and want to change it. Without the WIND, changing the radio station has to be done manually, but it can be quite dangerous to do it while driving since the driver has to split their focus between the front road and the entertainment system. With the WIND, you can keep your eyes focused to the front and simply just need to say “Halo Wuling, setel ke 102 FM,” (re: “Hello Wuling, Change to 102 FM”) and soon the radio station changes.
Other commands such as “Saluran berikutnya” (re: “the next station”) and “Saluran sebelumnya” (re: “the previous station”) could also be processed. Changing the frequency and turning the radio on or off can all be done easily thanks to the WIND feature.
If you want to change from radio to other media, the WIND can also process it. Just say, “Halo Wuling, ganti ke USB,” (re: “Hello Wuling, change to USB”) then the feature can do it for you. You can even turn on music via Bluetooth and AUX to choose a particular song you want to listen to, simply by saying the song title. The volume can be adjusted easily too via the WIND.
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Unlocking Other Features
You don’t need to bother pressing the button on the dashboard to find out tire pressure. Tire pressure information can also be checked via Voice Command on the WIND. It should be noted, however, that the WIND has some special commands that can be done without first having to say “Halo Wuling” (re: “Hello Wuling”), such as “Hidupkan AC” (re: “Turn on the AC”), “Buka Jendela” (re: “Open the window”), and “Besarkan suara” (re: “Turn up the volume”). Besides those, instant commands can also be used to turn off and on the air circulation, open and close sunroof, play and stop songs, choose the next song, and also select the previous and next radio station.