How to Wash and Care for a Black Car to Keep It Elegant
17 January, 2024

Caring for the car body and paint should not be careless; special attention is needed so that the color of the car paint remains good and lasts like new. Like how to wash and care for a black car, it turns out there are several ways to ensure that it doesn’t get dull easily, causing the paint to be damaged.
Black cars are one of Indonesian people’s favorite color choices. Like the Wuling Almaz RS Pro Hybrid car with its black color, namely Starry Black. This car has a stylish and elegant impression, so it is suitable for use by all ages, especially productive ages who have high mobility.
This type of SUV looks very dashing, whether used by productive young people or old people. Apart from that, the car has various complete features that will further support your driving comfort.
When caring for a black car, you have to pay attention to how to wash it. Black cars usually get dirty more easily than other colored cars; therefore, they need to be washed and maintained regularly.
However, to maintain the color of this black car, special attention is needed. Usually black cars look dull if they are rarely cared for, but over time they will disappear if they are cared for in the wrong way. The following is a review of how to wash and care for a black car in the right way to keep it elegant.
How to Wash a Black Car
The first part of keeping a black car in top condition is to pay attention to how to wash it. Washing properly and using special shampoo will keep your black car looking good and durable. Washing it is actually not that difficult; here’s how to wash a black car:
Clean Dirt First
The first part of washing a black car is to clean up the dust and dirt stuck to the body. To clean it, you don’t need to use a feather duster, but instead use a pressurized water spray.
Comb the car body properly with pressurized water so that the dust and dirt attached to the body are removed. Make sure that before washing it with soap or shampoo, this part has been done correctly so that the dirt left behind does not scratch the car paint.
Check the Condition of the Water Used for Washing
Next, pay attention to the water used for washing. Sometimes there are people who use water carelessly to wash their cars. Make sure that the water used is clean and does not contain a lot of iron. Bad water for washing a car usually has a yellowish color. Using bad water causes car paint to quickly become damaged and leaves stains and spots that are later difficult to clean.
Use the Right Soap or Shampoo
Do not use detergent when washing the car. Instead, use special soap or shampoo for washing cars. This special soap and shampoo is usually sold in various automotive shops at quite affordable prices. To wash your favorite car, don’t use careless soap and shampoo to damage the paint.
Use a Microfiber Cloth
When washing a black car, it is better to use a microfiber cloth rather than a sponge. The reason is that using a sponge can make the car paint easier to scratch if there is dirt left on the body. Microfiber cloths are softer and smoother, so they don’t scratch the car paint when washing.
Dry the Car Properly
After washing your black car thoroughly, don’t forget to dry it quickly. Don’t leave soap residue and water droplets on the car because they can cause lasting stains. Dry the car using a microfiber cloth with a spray of compressed air so that any water droplets left behind can be removed cleanly.
Use Wax As Protection
The final step, after washing and drying it thoroughly, is to cover your black car paint with protection. This protection can use wax, which makes the paint color more shiny and resistant to dirt.
Car Shampoo for Black
When washing your car, make it a habit to use soap and shampoo that are intended for washing cars. Apart from that, it is better to use shampoo specifically for certain car colors.
Like car shampoo for black, it is sold in many automotive stores. There are many variants of car shampoo for black, but make sure that the shampoo you use contains carnauba wax.
The ingredient in black car color shampoo is carnauba wax, which is also often called Brazilian wax because it is widely produced in that country. This substance is able to make a black car have a shiny, shiny effect.
How to Shine a Car Body
To keep the car body shiny, of course, maintenance must be carried out. Some of these treatments can be done yourself at home when you have free time during your busy schedule. Here’s how to shine a car body:
Wash Car Routinely
Washing your car regularly can keep the paint in good condition. Because it is washed regularly, the car paint will be free of dirt, which makes the color dull. Washing a car can be done once or twice a week. It can also be done more quickly if the car is dirty or exposed to rain.
Use Wax As a Layer of Protection
After washing the car, it is recommended to provide a layer of protection in the form of wax. Using wax as a protective layer will make the car shinier and prevent it from getting dirty easily.
Use Polishing Agent to Remove Scratches
A polishing agent, also known as polish, is a substance used to remove fine scratches, oxidation, and other contamination from the surface of a car’s paint. This is another step to take to make your car’s paint look better.
Do Coating
To keep your car’s color shiny for a longer period of time, you can coat your favorite black car. Coating is done to provide a strong layer so that the car becomes shiny and resistant to light scratches.
How to Shine Car Paint with Natural Ingredients
Apart from polishing and coating, there are events to shine car paint with natural ingredients. The natural ingredients used include olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Here’s how to shine car paint with natural ingredients:
- Wash the car and dry it properly as above before polishing the car with natural ingredients.
- Prepare natural ingredients, such as olive oil and apple cider vinegar, as needed.
- Mix olive oil and apple cider vinegar in a 2:1 ratio in a clean container and stir until evenly mixed.
- After mixing, test the mixed natural ingredients on a small part first to ensure the effect. Once it feels suitable and meets what is desired, then use it on other parts of the car body.
- Use a soft cloth, such as a microfiber cloth, to apply the natural ingredient.
After reading the review above regarding how to wash and care for a black car, of course it will give you a new understanding. To keep your car’s body and paint in top condition, make sure to care for it properly so that it always looks good.