All You Need to Know About the Vehicle Emission Test
10 March, 2022

Some of you may have heard of the planned implementation of vehicle emission tests in Indonesia. This is a government step to improve the air quality in this country. The vehicle emission test is planned to be carried out in the DKI Jakarta area, considering that this area has the worst air quality.
However, do you know what a vehicle emission test is and what are the benefits for the environment and yourself? Some of you may also not know about what conditions can make a vehicle pass the vehicle emission test. This article will explain the importance of vehicle emission testing.
What Is a Vehicle Emission Test?
The emission test is one of the testing efforts so that you can find out the engine performance and also the level of combustion efficiency of a motorized vehicle engine. Judging from the official website of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, emission testing is something that must be carried out by all motorized vehicle owners.
You can find this rule in Article 206 of Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. There are some special provisions given to several types of vehicles so that they can pass according to the criteria.
Successfully passing this exam can have a good impact on the environment and the health of the vehicle itself. This has been discussed a lot because of the plan for a mandatory motor vehicle emission test to be carried out in DKI Jakarta on November 13, 2021.
What Are the Benefits?
The purpose of the implementation of the motor vehicle emission test is to reduce the effect of greenhouse gasses in the DKI Jakarta area, most of which are produced by motorized vehicle engines. With this motor vehicle emission test, it is hoped that the low exhaust emissions from vehicles can affect the air quality in the DKI Jakarta area.
How to Test Emissions on a Car
Testing of motor vehicle exhaust emissions can be done by installing a gas detector in the exhaust of a vehicle. The vehicle being tested must be turned on but not on any electronic devices in the vehicle, such as air conditioning, lights, and radio. This test will be carried out for 5 to 7 minutes.
After this test is completed, the content and levels of substances in the vehicle fumes will be recorded. The substances to be detected are CO (carbon monoxide), C (hydrocarbon), CO2 (carbon dioxide), O2 (oxygen) and NO (nitrogen oxide). If you pass, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Service will provide a certificate that shows the passing of the motor vehicle emission test. Vehicle owners are required to carry out emission testing at least once a year, as recorded in Pergub Number 66 of 2020.
Requirements for Passing Gas Emission Test
You can find the requirements for passing the gas emission test on the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service website. Vehicles under 3 years of age are not required to carry out emission tests, while vehicles older than 3 years must carry out emission tests.
There are several indicators of passing the Pergub DKI Jakarta Number 31 of 2008 concerning the Threshold of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions. Judging from the official Instagram of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service, the requirements for passing the motor vehicle emission test are as follows:
- Gasoline cars made under 2007 have a CO standard of 3% HC 700 ppm.
- Gasoline cars made above the 2007 standard are 1.5% CO and 200 pm HC.
- Diesel cars made under 2010 with a vehicle weight of under 3.5 tons must have 50% opacity.
- Diesel cars made above 2010 with a vehicle weight above 3.5 tons must have an opacity of 40%.
- Diesel cars weighing over 3.5 tons and built under 2010 must have an opacity of 60%.
- Diesel cars weighing over 3.5 tons and manufactured after 2010 must have an opacity of 50%.
That’s information related to vehicle emission tests. Vehicle emission testing is something that is very important to do for a vehicle owner because it will not only benefit yourself but also the environment. This is a government step so that the air quality in the surrounding environment can be even better.
As a good citizen, you can help the government’s efforts to improve the country in a better direction. Hopefully the above information can help you understand the importance of vehicle emission testing. Let’s take care of the environment together!