How To Check Car Tax, Online or Offline
22 October, 2020

There are various ways you can check your car’s tax during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Besides direct checking, you can also do an online check to reduce activities outside the house.
You have to do this so that you don’t miss your annual vehicle tax as paying vehicle tax is one of the requirements to validate your vehicle registration certificate (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan or “STNK”). Know that if taxes are not paid for up to 2 years, the identity listed on the STNK will be deleted and you can’t reactivate it.
Direct Check on The Nearest Samsat
First of all, you can check your vehicle tax status at your nearest One-Stop Administration System (Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap or “Samsat”). By visiting Samsat, you can immediately make payments for your vehicle tax extension when the deadline is close.
The requirements you need to bring are an identification card (Kartu Tanda Pengenal or “KTP”), Book Vehicle Owners (Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor or “BPKB”), and vehicle registration certificate (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan or “STNK). You need to present the original forms along with a copy of each of them for administrative requirements.
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Online Check on Websites
If you don’t have time to go to a Samsat office, you can also check your tax status through the regional official website. There are already several provinces in Indonesia that provide online vehicle tax check services, including, among others, DKI Jakarta, East Java, Central Java, Aceh, Riau, Riau Islands, and Central Sulawesi.
The method is quite easy. You only need to access the website provided by the provincial government and enter your vehicle number and ID number (Nomor Induk Kependudukan or “NIK”). Afterward, you will receive information on how much the vehicle tax costs you. If your province does not provide a vehicle tax checking website, however, you don’t have another choice than to visit the nearest Samsat office.
Using SMS
You can also use short messages or SMS to check vehicle taxes. However, for now, this SMS service is only available for five-year tax checks. It is simply not possible to conduct annual tax checking via SMS. This can still be an alternative for regions that do not yet offer a website to check vehicle taxes. Some examples of how to conduct tax checking are as follows.
West Java Region
In the SMS menu, type “poldajbr” space [vehicle registration number] and send it to 39777
Example: poldajbr d3572hi, then send to 39777
East Java Region
In the SMS menu, type “JATIM” space [vehicle registration number], then send to 7070
Example: JATIM L2234CD, then send to 7070
DKI Jakarta Region
In the SMS menu, type “Info” space “Ranmor” space [vehicle registration number], then send to 8893
Example: Ranmor Info B3378TGH, then send to 8893
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Via *368*1# Menu
This is an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) service that you can use directly from your smartphone. Just like SMS, you can use this method if your area doesn’t yet provide a website for online vehicle tax checks. The trick is to dial *368*1#, then you just have to follow the instructions.
Via an Application
Referring to the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia for the online payment and approval of the Motor Vehicle Tax (Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor or “PKB”), the National Samsat Advisory Team recently just launched the National Samsat Online application to help citizens to check motor vehicle taxes easily.
This application, which you can download from Playstore, covers Online National Samsat services throughout Indonesia. You can also pay your vehicle tax directly via this application, simply by following the instructions.
Via e-Samsat
The ease of checking your vehicle tax is also easier with the existence of e-Samsat. To use this service, you need to access the e-samsat site according to the province of origin of your vehicle.
Not only that, but you can also renew your STNK either annually or per five years via this e-Samsat. If you need to pay a vehicle tax fine, you can settle it from this site, too.
Wuling Family, those are 6 easy ways on how to check your vehicle tax. Some of them will let you pay your vehicle tax directly. Remember to pay your vehicle tax before it’s due to avoid getting fined, ok?