PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia Job Vacancy Fraud Clarification | Wuling

PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia Job Vacancy Fraud Clarification

Image PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia Job Vacancy Fraud Clarification

Dear all Wuling Indonesia’s family, please be careful of any job vacancies advertisement of PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia (Wuling Motors) spread on social media and other media. We inform you that the job vacancies are unofficial, which may lead to a fraud that defames PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia.

The official information about job vacancies of PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia is only listed on and the official JobStreet account of PT. SGMW Motor Indonesia. You may also confirm the information further through phone number (021) 80865050.

Thank you for the support and attention from all Wuling Motors Indonesia Family. We hope that this information can answer all questions from Wuling Motors Indonesia’s family.