A Brief, Refreshing Holiday. Which One Is Your Favourite?
1 October, 2018

As people who are constantly busy with work and the list of deadlines at work, the number of targets to be fulfilled, at times we feel like we fall short of vacation time. Taking a day off of work can also be a challenge in itself, because one needs to be sure that their work can be put off on postpone or one has to feel safe enough to hand the job to the team or subordinates at the office.
In line with Wuling’s motto, drive for a better life, we want to continue to encourage Wuling readers’ positivity to take a while for a vacation. Some holiday spots that we will present here should not take days to spend. However, when you do need more, then just take a day off on Friday and enjoy the atmosphere on holiday until Sunday afternoon. For those of you who live in North Sumatra, West Java, Sulawesi, and nearby areas, it is now time to take notes on your smartphone.

North Sumatra
Horas, la dohot ito! (Hello, brothers and sisters!) Now, it’s time to enjoy alternative entertainment in exchange of malls and durian cuisine in the city centres. Open the map in your smartphone and type Tangkahan. The nature tourism in Mount Leuser National Park is well known even to foreign countries. The green environment in this forest continues to produce oxygen so that the temperature in the surrounding area remains cool and the air we breathe remains fresh. The freshness of the river water while helping the elephants taking their bath can be a very exciting activity. But, please do not ride the elephants and let them live freely in their nature.
You can also visit the Mount Sibayak area to soak in the warmth of sulphuric water. The Sidebuk-Debuk hot spring is very pleasant place to visit with family. Lodging and bathing pools are available and the holiday atmosphere is calming.
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Somewhat similar to North Sumatra, mountainous regions are indeed what we really need to get fresh air. For residents in Bandung and other West Java areas, you can visit Ranca Upas. Vacationing here is very brief, it is enough to spend a day, but it will be more fun if you drive there from dawn so that when you arrive at this location, the air would feel totally air. Visitors can play with deers and feed them with grass and carrots. This is a good holiday facility to relax as well as a means of teaching children to love nature. If you want to spend the night or camp here, of course you can, but be prepared to bring extra jackets, because ther say the temperature can go as low as 0°C.
Yes, you may be surprised because the Bekasi area has several interesting touristy areas. One of them is Muara Gembong Beach in West Bekasi. In addition to the beach, visitors can also enjoy the coolness of the mangrove forest, the appearance of black langurs, as well as the cultivation of fish, shrimp, and seaweed by the local community.

Moving to Bogor, you and your family can enjoy the joy of being at waterfalls with local residents. In Sundanese, waterfall means curug, and there are lots of them, but some that we can recommend first is the Curug Leuwi Hejo. After parking your Wuling, then you and your family still need to walk for about 2 km ahead while enjoying the cool air and the chirping of the birds, and the green of the surrounding environment. Another waterfall is Curug Cigamea, which is located within the Mount Halimun National Park. With easy access, of course, children can enjoy walking towards this waterfall.

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South Sulawesi
Playing at Losari Beach and Fort Rotterdam, which are located quite close to one another, is quite common. But, if you and your children love the beauty of butterflies then you can play at Bantimurung National Park in Maros Regency or about 45 km from the centre of Makassar. It’s a bit far from the city centre, but when you drive Wuling, you would definitely feel the comfort. Prepare drinks and snacks to keep your energy replenished along the way, alright?
So many options for vacation that don’t need to drain your bank account, energy, or even time. As long as we are diligent in finding information accurately, it will be easy. Let’s share your favourite destinations with your family. It would be more exciting if you as Wuling family can join the Wuling community in your own city so that the warmth of familiar connection can be felt. Oh, you can also find Wuling dealers here. Always make every moment special and drive for a better life.