Wuling EV Become Official Car Partner at The 10th World Water Forum 2024 in Bali | Wuling

Press Release

Wuling EV Become Official Car Partner at The 10th World Water Forum 2024 in Bali

16 May, 2024

Image Wuling EV Become Official Car Partner at The 10th World Water Forum 2024 in Bali

150 electric cars consisting of Air ev, BinguoEV and Cloud EV are ready to support green mobility in this state event

Bali, May 15, 2024  – Wuling Motors (Wuling) once again participates in an international state event as the Official Car Partner in the 10th World Water Forum event titled ‘Water For Shared Prosperity’ which will be held on May 18-25, 2024 at Bali Island. During the event, Wuling will set up its 150-unit Wuling EV ABC story line-up, which includes Air EV, Binguo EV, and Cloud EV. In particular, Cloud EV is trusted to serve as a VIP entourage for ministers and high-ranking officials from nations taking part in the 2024 World Water Forum. On the other hand, Air ev and BinguoEV units will serve as mobility vehicles for state delegates, international organizations, and participating committees.

Wuling BinguoEV Premium Range dan Air ev Long Range digunakan untuk mendukung mobilitas delegasi organisasi internasional dan komite 1000x750

“Wuling is proud to be honored as the Official Car Partner at the 10th World Water Forum 2024 international event held on the Island of the Gods. In this largest international forum in the water sector, we will deploy Wuling EV consisting of Air ev, BinguoEV, and Cloud EV. Through this participation, we want to actively contribute to global efforts in preserving water as a resource for shared prosperity both now and in the future in accordance with the theme ‘Water For Shared Prosperity’ carried in this year’s World Water Forum,” said Dian Asmahani as Sales & Marketing Director of Wuling Motors.

Wuling Air ev BinguoEV dan Cloud EV siap mendukung mobilitas hijau di 10th World Water Forum 2024 1000x750

There are 150 units of Wuling electric vehicles separated into 16 units of Air ev, 84 units of BinguoEV, and 50 units of Cloud. All units of Cloud EV were trusted as a VIP entourage for senior officials and ministers of countries participating in the 2024 World Water Forum. Meanwhile, the BinguoEV Premium Range and Air ev Long Range will support the mobility of delegates, international organizations, and committees.

150 Mobil Listrik Terdiri Dari Air ev BinguoEV dan Cloud EV Siap Mendukung Mobilitas Hijau Dalam 10th World Water Forum 2024 di Bali 1000x750

Wuling Air ev and BinguoEV electric cars appear with a special livery that adorns the front door of the vehicle. There is a Garuda bird logo that represents Indonesia as the organizer of the 10th World Water Forum, then the 10th World Water Forum logo, and the World Water Council as the organizer of the World Water Forum around the world. Below the three logos are the words ‘Shaping Clean Tomorrow’, which is Wuling’s spirit to contribute to creating cleaner air in the future through the participation of its electric vehicles in this international event.

Wuling Air ev dan BinguoEV tampil dengan livery khusus yang menghiasi pintu depan kendaraan. Terdapat logo burung Garuda yang merepresentasikan Indonesia sebagai penyelenggara World Water Forum ke 10. 1000x667

More about Wuling’s electric vehicles that will be used in the 2024 World Water Forum, starting from Cloud EV, this medium hatchback EV comes with a spacious and luxurious cabin. Cloud EV also has smart and complete driving features to support a modern driving experience. Moreover, this electric vehicle has a driving range of up to 460 kilometers, is powered by a safe battery with zero reports of self-combustion, and is equipped with IP67 certification.

50 unit Wuling Cloud EV dipercaya sebagai rangkaian VIP untuk senior official dan menteri negara 1000x750

Another Wuling’s electric vehicle, the BinguoEV, comes with a timeless design on both the exterior and interior, making the vehicle classy and iconic. The spacious cabin and many compartments also make storing luggage easier. Furthermore, BinguoEV also comes with a variety of other driving comfort features that support a premium driving experience for delegates.

Turut hadir Wuling BinguoEV yang mendukung pengalaman berkendara yang premium bagi para delegasi. 1000x750

The next line-up car, Air ev, this electric vehicle is able to travel up to 300 kilometers on one full charge. Another advantage is that this car is easy to drive with its compact body size, making it easier for delegates to travel towards the location of the 2024 World Water Forum activities.

To support operations during the event, Wuling also prepared a service and maintenance center for all units located in the Jimbaran area, Bali. Maintenance services prepared at Wuling Jimbaran Pool consist of charging facilities, thorough routine checks by experienced technicians to Wuling Mobile Service (WMS).

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